how to remove shortcut virus from pendrive

11:42:00 Unknown 2 Comments

How to Remove Any Virus?

Here are perfect steps to remove 1. Autorun Virus, 2. Shortcut Virus, 3. Empty Folder Virus using CMD (Command Prompt) 

Find the Type of the virus in your PC and follow the steps for the respective Virus,

What is Malware?

Malwares are the Malicious Softwares used to make unwanted actions in your PC, Virus, worms, Spywares are some kind of Malwares.

1. Autorun virus (autorun.inf):

            Autorun Virus Exploits into the Windows OS whenever an External device containing Autorun Virus is pluged in to Windows PC and Autorun is Performed, Then the Autorun.inf will be executed and replicates copies of this Autorun.inf file and .exe files too. This creates a serious mess with files, Follow the steps beow to remove this autorun virus from PC using CMD.
Steps to Remove Autorun Virus :

  • Press Start or winkey ) -> Run -> cmd.
  • If you are at the root directory ( C drive ) then do the following, else give cd.. and come to the root C:> and do the following. 
  • Type in attrib -h -r -s autorun.inf ), without brackets and press Enter.
  • Type del autorun.inf ), without brackets and press Enter.
  • Follow this for all other drives. 

  • 2. Shortcut virus:

    These Shortcut viruses are those which converts all your data inside your pen drive or Hard disk to shortcuts, and which are recoverable.
    • Go to Start -> Run -> cmd.
    • Go to your pen drive directory.
    • Type this command: del *.lnk and press Enter.
    • Type attrib -h -r -s /s /d e:*.*
    • And then press a gentle Enter.

    Recover your files from Shortcut Virus: ( 2nd Method)

         You can recover your files through Winrar.

    •  Open WINRAR Application.
    •  Navigate to your Pendrive location or PC Folder location.
    •  Copy Files and Paste where you want.
    •  Format your Pendrive. 

    3. Empty Folder virus:

       Got some Files in your pen drive but they are empty! Because of the virus in your pendrive malfunctions your drive. How to remove this empty folder virus and recover files?
    Steps to Remove Empty Folder Virus : 
    • Start -> Run -> cmd.
    • Type this command: attrib -h -r -s /s /d x:*.
    • Here the letter “x” should be replaced with the drive alphabet of your pendrive that you have inserted into the computer.
    • If your pendrive shows the drive alphabet as “J“, then type  this command: attrib -h -r -s /s /d j:*.
    • And then press a gentle Enter.

    4. Don’t know what the Virus is!!

    If you can’t find the type of the Virus, you can follow these Steps to recover your Files.
    1. Turn ON Firewall
    2. Just Uninstall the Softwares that you have installed when your PC is normal.
    3. Run a BOOT time scan using Avast Antivirus.
    4. Run Microsoft Safety Scanner
               After performing the following steps,  Do a restart!

    thank you 
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    1. Nice post btw !
      But hope you will post some new stuffs

    2. Nice post btw !
      But hope you will post some new stuffs
